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Roasted Kale

by ADMIN on APRIL 4, 2012

When kale is roasted, it becomes this deliciously crispy and flavorful veggie. Almost chip-like.


But beware, roast it for one second too long and you’ll have a mess of blackened powder.

*WOOF* Up in flames.

The key to un-burnt (is that a word? It is now) kale is the oil massage. That’s right. Massaging the oil over each leaf.

Sounds tedious, but it’s well worth the effort. And really doesn’t take that long anyway.

Just get in there and rock the oil massage like your a master masseuse-ist.

Again. Me and my made-up words. Roased Kale Author: Adapted from PeasandThankYou Prep time: 10 mins Cook time: 15 mins Total time: 25 mins Serves: 2-3 Crispy sesame-oil infused kale


  • 1 bunch of kale (curly or flat leaf)

  • 1 Tbsp sesame oil

  • 3 Tbsp parmesan cheese, grated

  • ½ tsp salt

  • ½ tsp pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 350F

  2. Cut center stems off kale and discard.

  3. Rip kale into smaller pieces and place on an aluminum-lined baking sheet in a single layer (you may need 2 baking sheets).

  4. Drizzle sesame oil over kale. Then toss kale and massage oil into each leaf (to prevent burning).

  5. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

  6. Bake for about 8 minutes, then toss. And continue baking for another 5-8 minutes, or until kale is a bit crisp. Watch during the second baking to ensure they do not burn.

  7. Enjoy!


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